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Frequently Asked Questions

No. The library does not issue cards. The library loans items to students and employees of Shelton State. All Shelton State patrons must be prepared to show a current photo ID and provide their A number.

Items may not be checked out.

Yes. Library users have the right to privacy and confidentiality when seeking, receiving, consulting, borrowing, transmitting, or acquiring information. At the Shelton State Libraries, circulation records and other records that identify the names of users are confidential in nature will be released only in compliance with state law. The confidentiality of library users is protected by Statutes 41-8-10 and 41-9-10 of the Code of Alabama. This guideline is enforced by employees of the Shelton State Libraries and College officials. The USA Patriot Act, however, supersedes all other state and local protection of library users. All library users should be aware that the federal government may monitor their use of library resources, including network traffic. Library personnel must comply with court orders for such information and may not disclose to any user if and when such action has been taken.

Books 21 days
Periodicals 7 Days
Audiovisuals Limited basis for all users; no off-campus use for students; limited to two hours on-campus for instructors (unless otherwise requested in advance by instructor); off-campus no more than 24 hours by instructors
Reserve Items As indicated by instructor (one hour, two hours, 24 hours, etc.)
Circulating Technology Until the end of the semester

Circulation periods are renewable for all users, provided a hold has not been placed on a specific title. In this case, the circulation period is not renewed, and the item must be returned at its original due date. Technology items, including laptops and hotspots, are not renewable.

A maximum of five items may be checked out by any user at one time. Exceptions may be made by library staff or the Head Librarian.

The library does not charge overdue fines for circulating items, but we do charge for replacement materials.  Further, if you keep a reserve item past its specified due time, you will be asked to relinquish it to anyone waiting on it.


  • Patrons will receive an email when their items are due. If the item is returned, costs will be removed from the patron’s account. Overdues are run regularly and added to Banner, so any action that would be hindered by outstanding accounts would be influenced.
  • Replacement costs for lost or damaged items are not refundable and are as follows:

Actual cost of item if available (as noted in item record); if not available:

      • $35.00 per book
      • $2.00 per pamphlet
      • $25.00 per reserve item
      • $50.00 per audiovisual item

Technology costs include:

      • $1000.00 per laptop computer
      • $100.00 per laptop computer cord and power brick
      • $25.00 per calculator
      • $175.00 per graphing calculator
      • $75.00 per modem
  • Overdue fines and replacement costs for unreturned library materials are considered debts to the College. Student records for students with outstanding library debts are flagged in the Office of Admissions and Records, and students may not register or submit graduation requests until the debt has been cleared by the library staff.
  • Every week, the library uploads current student debt. Students will not be allowed to register or receive transcripts with any outstanding library debts. These debts cannot be cleared by other offices.
  • Library users with overdue items may not check out additional materials until all overdue fines are paid, and/or materials are returned.
  • Students who apply for graduation must have no outstanding library debts at the time of application, except for items that are in current use by the students (e.g., at the end of the final semester). Email reminders (via Shelton State email) are sent to patrons with overdue items and outstanding library debts.

Instructors may place books, study guides, practice tests, artifacts, models, audiovisuals, and other items on “reserve.”; This means that the items are placed on limited circulation so that as many people as possible will have access to them during the time needed. These items may be checked out for the specified time period at the Reserves Desk inside the library. As with other circulating items, a SSCC ID and A number are required for check-out. The Reserves Desk will hold the patron’s ID until the item is returned.


Circulation periods for reserve items are usually one hour and are often restricted to “room use,”; which means that the item(s) cannot be removed from the library. Overdue fines for reserve items are calculated at fifty cents per hour (or fraction of hour over 15 minutes). The replacement cost for lost reserve items is the actual cost, if available, or $25.00 for each individual item. Debts will be handled as indicated above for lost or damaged items.

The library printers will allow you to make copies. Your account is charged $0.05 per page – the same as a print. You must use your A number to make copies. The library is unable to accept any payments.

Printing costs $0.05 per page and is automatically deducted from your account. Money can be added to your account at the Cashier’s Office in the first-floor atrium of the Martin Campus.

This library does not currently support Inter-Library Loan.  Please talk to a librarian about utilizing in-house resources to fulfill your research needs.

Any student enrolled at Shelton State Community College may access the Alabama Virtual Library from home, office, or other remote site. The Alabama Virtual Library provides online access to encyclopedias, full-text magazine and journal articles, and full-text reference tools.


Since this service is reserved for state residents or students, no online registration is available to the general public. If you live outside of the state of Alabama (or possibly near the borders of Alabama), you may access the AVL with a user account and password assigned by the AVL. If you live out of state and are currently enrolled in an eLearning class at Shelton State, simply contact us to request an AVL card. Contact us using your school email and include your full name and A number.

If you would like to have a book from the Shelton State Libraries collections sent to you through the mail, please identify a specific book title in the online catalog and/or send an email request for books-by-mail. You must include the following information: author of book, title of book, and call number.


Every effort will be made to contact you within 24 hours (excluding weekends and College holidays when the library is closed). You may request up to three titles by mail at one time. Additional details may be required by return email from a librarian. Please note that we may be able to suggest alternate resources if the title you request is not available.


You must be enrolled in an eLearning class to receive these services. Enrollment in distance education classes will be verified; students who are concurrently enrolled in classes on campus and in eLearning classes are not eligible for this service. All books-by-mail are due within five weeks. Overdue policies and fines are applied to books-by-mail as indicated in the section on Library Debts.

Media that is available for student check-out is shelved in the circulating collection with the books. Circulating technology, including laptops and hotspots, must be requested at the circulation desk. All other media and all equipment is only circulated to employees of the College.

All currently enrolled students and current employees are allowed access to library computers. We ask that patrons follow all College policies.


Access to computers in the Lewis Library on the Fredd Campus is restricted to students currently enrolled in classes at Shelton State or to potential students who are in the process of seeking information about Shelton State or financial aid. Students who wish to use computers in the Lewis Library must show a current ID.

Due to space constraints, individual and group viewing is not available at the Lewis Library on the Fredd Campus. On the Martin Campus, instructors must make arrangements with a librarian if they require students to view media outside of class as there is no dedicated space for viewing.


Individuals are welcome to view computer-based media in both libraries. We ask that you use headphones or earbuds in order to avoid disrupting other patrons.


If you are an instructor and you wish to show media to your class, please contact us for solutions.

The library accepts materials challenges using the Patron Inquiry Form. Only individuals currently associated with Shelton State as students or employees may challenge library materials, and challenges are limited to one per person per semester. The form must be filled out completely. The completed form will be reviewed with the appropriate administrator. Once the review is complete, library staff will follow up with the person who submitted the form.

If you need help, ask. That is why we are here.


Basic tutorials are posted to the library web page. If you think something needs to be addressed, feel free to contact the library with suggestions.